NYSC: Taraba State Governor Yet to Fulfil Promise of N245,000 Welfare Package for Corps Members

The Governor of Taraba, Agbu Kefas, is yet to fulfil his promise of N245,000 Welfare Package for Corps Members serving in public schools.

NYSC: Taraba State Governor Yet to Fulfil Promise of N245,000 Welfare Package for Corps Members

Seven months have passed since Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba State pledged to provide a welfare package of N245,000 to certain members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), yet the promise remains unfulfilled, leaving corps members serving in public schools across the state in suspense, awaiting action.

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The governor's commitment to provide this substantial welfare package was made with the intention of acknowledging and rewarding the dedication of corps members serving in public schools within the state. However, despite the passage of time, these corps members are still awaiting the fulfillment of this promise.

According to the breakdown of the proposed package, each corps member was slated to receive N50,000 as a medical allowance, N75,000 as a housing allowance, and N120,000 as a stipend. This comprehensive package aimed to address various aspects of the corps members' welfare needs during their service period.

Governor Kefas communicated this pledge through his Commissioner for Information and Re-orientation, signaling the state government's commitment to prioritizing the welfare of corps members serving in Taraba State.

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The delay in fulfilling this promise has undoubtedly caused frustration and disappointment among the affected corps members, who had anticipated receiving the much-needed support outlined in the governor's pledge.