Kaduna State University Lecturer Dr. Alamuna Nuhu Appointed To Federal Polytechnic Governing Council

Kaduna State University Academic Appointed to Federal Polytechnic Governing Council

Kaduna State University Lecturer  Dr. Alamuna Nuhu Appointed To Federal Polytechnic Governing Council

Kaduna State University (KASU) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Alamuna Nuhu, from the Department of Nigerian Languages and Linguistics, to the Governing Council of Federal Polytechnic, Ida, Kogi State.

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The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Abdullahi I. Musa, on behalf of the KASU community, congratulates Dr. Nuhu on this prestigious appointment, recognizing her dedication and outstanding contributions to education.

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Dr. Nuhu's appointment acknowledges her achievements and potential to positively impact higher education policies and practices. Her expertise and vision will undoubtedly foster excellence and innovation in the governance of Federal Polytechnic, Ida.

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KASU celebrates this well-deserved achievement, and the university community looks forward to her continued success in her new role.


Adamu Nuhu Bargo

Public Relations Officer

Kaduna State University.