Youth Corper Sheds Tears of Joy at NYSC Certificate Ceremony, Becomes First Graduate in Family

Despite the usual jubilation associated with such achievements, this particular graduate's reaction was unexpectedly tearful, shedding tears of joy and relief.

Youth Corper Sheds Tears of Joy at NYSC Certificate Ceremony, Becomes First Graduate in Family

A young graduate who recently received their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) certificate, marked his achievement of graduating in the university. Despite the usual jubilation associated with such achievements, this particular graduate's reaction was unexpectedly tearful, shedding tears of joy and relief.

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The graduate, Mr. Chinecherem, took to social media to share their heartfelt experience. In his post, he expressed gratitude and credited his accomplishment to divine intervention, stating, "Tears pricked down my eyes as I collected my NYSC certificate today. You might wonder why I was crying instead of celebrating huh? I cried because I broke a jinx. I became the first graduate in my family (both immediate and extended). All thanks to Chukwu."

The heartfelt post resonated deeply with friends and well-wishers, who flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages and words of encouragement, reflecting the shared joy and pride in witnessing this  achievement.

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Breaking the cycle of not having a graduate in the family is a significant achievement in many Nigerian households, symbolizing progress, hope, and the realization of educational dreams. The graduate's tears underscored the weight of this personal triumph and the culmination of years of dedication and hard work.