State-run Tertiary Institutions to Benefit from Student Loan Scheme, Confirms NELFUND

According to the statement, the first phase of the program will initially focus on students enrolled in federal institutions. However, the subsequent phase will extend the program to encompass students studying in state institutions.

State-run Tertiary Institutions to Benefit from Student Loan Scheme, Confirms NELFUND

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has disclosed that students in state-owned tertiary institutions will be eligible to benefit from the Student Loan Scheme. In a statement issued by its Media and Public Relations Lead, Nasir Ayitogo, the agency clarified that students from state-owned institutions would be incorporated in the second phase of the program, slated for launch shortly after the initial rollout.

According to the statement, the first phase of the program will initially focus on students enrolled in federal institutions. However, the subsequent phase will extend the program to encompass students studying in state institutions. NELFUND emphasized its unwavering commitment to providing financial assistance to all eligible students, irrespective of whether they attend federal or state tertiary public institutions.

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The mission of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda is underscored by the objective of ensuring that all aspiring students have access to the financial resources necessary to pursue their educational aspirations, the statement concluded.