UNIABUJA Vice Chancellor Response on Payment of Salary to Academic Staff (ASUU)

UNIABUJA Vice Chancellor Response on Payment of Salary to Academic Staff (ASUU)

UNIABUJA Vice Chancellor Response on Payment of Salary to Academic Staff (ASUU)

The University Management approved payment of salaries  to all academic staff, and included with magnanimity, even those on strike who deserve no salary because of the activation of  'No Work No Pay'  policy of the Nigerian government in the University.

The management  was in contact with the  IPPIS this morning,  to inquire about what was responsible for the delay in the payment of salaries to  academic staff,  and the information available to us is that it might be from glitch in the  Remita.


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However,  Management  is surprised that  ASUU branch leadership which along with some of its members  walked out on their students  and have refused to work for more than a month now,  and who ordinarily deserve no salary,  are the ones to first cry wolf and working to blackmail the University.  

It is unfortunate and  painful to Management that the academic staff are subjected to this suffering, especially  those who  laboured  day and night  to make life meaningful to   their students.


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What is important to us, at the moment, is that the IPPIS has since confirmed that May 2024 Academic Salary has been released for payment and the continued delay now being experienced might be from the Remita and not from Management. 
