OAU Launches Training on Responsible Conduct of Research

The training not only enhanced research integrity but also fostered a culture of ethical research practices, promoting a safe and inclusive research environment.

OAU Launches Training on Responsible Conduct of Research

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), in a joint collaboration with the Centre for Bioethics and Research (CBR), has launched a 2-day training on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for staff, in order to promote ethical research practices and foster a culture of integrity in the academic community. 

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The training, which began on June 20, would end on June 2, bringing together researchers and academics from various disciplines to discuss and explore the importance of ethical conduct in research.

The comprehensive program covered critical topics such as data falsification, plagiarism, authorship, and publication ethics, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the principles and guidelines that govern responsible research practices.

The interactive training featured engaging exercises and case studies that encouraged participants to think critically about ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions. 

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The response from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many committing to apply their newfound knowledge and skills to their research endeavors. The training not only enhanced research integrity but also fostered a culture of ethical research practices, promoting a safe and inclusive research environment.