ASUU Raises Alarm Over Deteriorating State of Nigerian Public Universities

Salim Ahmed, Chairperson of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at the University of Dutse Branch, expressed deep concern over the state of affairs, highlighting the worsening working conditions and living standards of academic staff across the country.

ASUU Raises Alarm Over Deteriorating State of Nigerian Public Universities

The Chairperson of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at the University of Dutse Branch, Salim Ahmed, has sounded an alarm regarding the deteriorating conditions of public universities in Nigeria, citing neglect, underfunding, and mismanagement as major contributors to the crisis.

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He expressed deep concern over the state of affairs, highlighting the worsening working conditions and living standards of academic staff across the country.

"Years of neglect, underfunding, and mismanagement have led to a decline in the quality of education and the overall state of our public universities," Ahmed stated, emphasizing the union's frustration with the federal government's lack of response to their demands and absence of meaningful dialogue.

The union has been vocal in its call for increased funding and a comprehensive overhaul of the deteriorating infrastructure and working conditions in universities.

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"The federal government has consistently ignored our pleas for dialogue and action since its inception in May 2023," Ahmed lamented, referencing the union's efforts to engage the government through the International Labour Organization's frameworks.