University of Abuja Reminds Prospective Students to Upload O'Level Results for PostUTME Screening

The University of Abuja, known as the “University for National Unity,” has issued a crucial reminder to prospective students about the upcoming PostUTME screening.

University of Abuja Reminds Prospective Students to Upload O'Level Results for PostUTME Screening

The University of Abuja, known as the “University for National Unity,” has issued a crucial reminder to prospective students about the upcoming PostUTME screening.

The admissions committee has stressed the importance of uploading O'Level results to the JAMB portal as a mandatory step in the screening process. Candidates who do not complete this requirement may risk disqualification from being considered for admission.

This notice underscores the university’s dedication to facilitating a seamless and orderly admissions process for all applicants.