14-Year-Old Prodigy with 199 IQ Earns Degree from Chicago State University, Set to Achieve PhD at 17

14-year-old Thessalonika Arzu-Embry, boasting an astonishing IQ of 199, has accomplished the remarkable feat of earning a degree from Chicago State University in Illinois, USA. To add to her exceptional achievements, she is now poised to attain a Ph.D. at the age of 17.

14-Year-Old Prodigy with 199 IQ Earns Degree from Chicago State University, Set to Achieve PhD at 17

In an extraordinary display of intellect and academic prowess, 14-year-old Thessalonika Arzu-Embry, boasting an astonishing IQ of 199, has accomplished the remarkable feat of earning a degree from Chicago State University in Illinois, USA. To add to her exceptional achievements, she is now poised to attain a Ph.D. at the age of 17.

Thessalonika's educational journey began with homeschooling by her mother, Wonder Embry, who recognized her daughter's extraordinary gift and passion for learning at a very young age. By the tender age of 6, Thessalonika was delving into college-level materials, showcasing a level of comprehension that surpassed her years.

Enrolled into Lake County College at the age of 11, Thessalonika graduated with top honors, setting the stage for her academic ascent. At the age of 14, she achieved the extraordinary milestone of earning a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Undeterred by the norm, she continued her academic journey, securing a master's degree by the age of 16.

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Now, Thessalonika is breaking new ground by pursuing her doctorate degree in Aviation Psychology, a testament to her insatiable thirst for knowledge and her commitment to making a meaningful impact at an early age.

“I feel honored for the opportunity to help others at an early age. I feel very glad to enter college and help people,” Thessalonika expressed, emphasizing her desire to utilize her knowledge for the greater good.

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Her forward-thinking approach is reflected in her statement, "If I see an opportunity to go forward, I would say, ‘Why slow it down?' It’s best to go through it and take advantage of the opportunity because it will help other people as a whole; it will help businesses and society.“

Thessalonika's mother, Wonder Embry, proudly acknowledges her daughter's exceptional abilities. "I started reading to her my college books, and she understood college material at 6 years old, 8 years old,” Wonder said, underscoring the early signs of Thessalonika's intellectual prowess.

Thessalonika Arzu-Embry's story serves as an inspirational reminder that there is no age limit to achieving success. Her journey exemplifies the boundless potential within young minds, inspiring others to reach for exceptional heights and challenge conventional expectations.