ABSU Suspends Security Staff After Assault on Female Student, Prompting Swift Action

Abia State University (ABSU) takes immediate steps in response to allegations of brutality towards a female student, suspending security personnel pending investigation.

ABSU Suspends Security Staff After Assault on Female Student, Prompting Swift Action

Abia State University (ABSU) has taken decisive action in response to allegations of student brutality, as reported by Myschoolnews. Following a disturbing incident involving a female student, Miss Dominic Chizurum, ABSU has suspended a security staff member, Mr. Ugochukwu Onyemere, for three months.

The incident, which occurred on May 6th, involved a confrontation between Miss Chizurum and a security officer, with eyewitnesses alleging that the officer brutally assaulted her, resulting in significant injuries. This account, detailed in Myschoolnews.ng report, prompted swift action from ABSU authorities.

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In an official statement, ABSU announced the suspension of Mr. Onyemere, citing "dereliction of duty and gross act of indiscipline." The suspension, effective immediately, is pending a full investigation into the matter. The university's Registrar, Dr. Acho Elendu, emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that such behavior is inconsistent with the level of responsibility expected from security personnel.

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The suspension letter addressed to Mr. Onyemere outlined the terms of his suspension, including a reduction in salary and the requirement to hand over all university property. This action underscores ABSU's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its students, as well as holding accountable those responsible for misconduct.

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ABSU's response reflects a zero-tolerance approach to violence and underscores the importance of upholding standards of professionalism and integrity within the university community. As investigations proceed, ABSU remains dedicated to fostering a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.