Bayero University, Kano BUK SUG Achievements Within 40 days as Senator

Bayero University, Kano BUK SUG achievements within 40 days as Senator representing the Department of Education.

Bayero University, Kano BUK SUG Achievements Within 40 days as Senator

Bayero University, Kano BUK SUG achievements within 40 days as Senator representing the Department of Education.

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The SUG Senator representative expressed his gratitude to his colleague for the support. 

He said, "Hello my colleagues I'm hereby humbly informing you of the remarkable achievement we have made during my stint in office. These achievements would not be possible without your encouraging words, prayers, suggestions, and criticisms you have so far."

Achievement Within The 40days In Office

1) Sponsoring a Bill "An Act to Improve the Quality Of Water Supply Through Cleaning Water Reservoirs Within BUK Campuses".

2) Compiling and provision of reading materials for the following courses:

a) Intro to Political Economy

b) Intro to Guidance and Counselling

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c) Curriculum Studies III

d) How to pass exams in a better way

e) Translating some topics in Political Economy into Hausa Language

3) Answering Past Question Papers on Philosophy and Logic (GSP 2205) and Research Methods (EDU 2202)

4) Organised Tutorial on the following courses:

I) Philosophy and Logic

II) Curriculum Studies III

IV) Intro to Guidance and Counselling

V) Intro to Special Education

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VI) Intro to Political Economy

VII) Public Finance

VIII) Intro to International Trade

IX) Research Methodology I

X) Economics Of Natural Resources

We thank all hands that contributed in one way or another to serving the interest of the S, students of BUK.

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Majority Leader, 24 SRA-BUK

Sen. Habu Hassan Abdullahi (Scholar)

Representative of Dept of Education