BSU Alumni Association, Failing Its Commitment To Graduates

Benue State University Alumni Association, failing in Its commitment to graduates in providing support and assistance to its members.

BSU Alumni Association, Failing Its Commitment To Graduates
BSU Alumni Association, Failing Its Commitment To Graduates

Benue State University Alumni Association, failing in Its commitment to graduates in providing support and assistance to its members.

The Benue State University Alumni Association, established with the objective of providing support and assistance to its members, has been a major disappointment for many graduates. Despite collecting dues from alumni, the association has failed to address the persistent issues of extortion, frustration, and intentional delays in the issuance of transcripts by the school management. This neglect has adversely affected many graduates' opportunities for scholarships both at home and abroad. The continuous silence from the Alumni Association hints at their complicity in this matter, raising concerns about their true intentions and commitment towards their members. It is high time for the association to shift its focus from mere dues collection to actively addressing the challenges faced by its members.

Extortion, Delays, and Frustration: A Vicious Cycle

One of the pressing issues faced by Benue State University graduates is the exorbitant amount charged for the issuance of transcripts. Many students, particularly those seeking to pursue further education or secure job opportunities, require these documents urgently. However, the deliberate delay tactics employed by the school management and the associated financial demands imposed on the graduates have caused immense frustration and dissatisfaction.

To make matters worse, the processes for acquiring transcripts for alumni have become increasingly convoluted, bureaucratic, and time-consuming. Graduates are forced to navigate through endless paperwork, long waiting periods, and inconsistent guidelines. This not only hampers their progress but also demoralizes them, affecting their overall confidence and zeal.

Scholarship Opportunities Lost

The consequences of delayed or unattainable transcripts go beyond frustration and inconvenience. In today's competitive academic and professional environments, scholarships play a crucial role in assisting deserving graduates in pursuing higher education locally and internationally. Unfortunately, due to the inefficiency of the Alumni Association, many graduates have missed out on scholarship opportunities.

The inability to provide timely transcripts prevents motivated individuals from accessing financial aid needed to further their education. As a result, numerous talented and deserving students are forced to give up on their dreams, and the overall development and progress of the alma mater suffer as a result.

The Alumni Association: Complicit Silence

In the face of these grievances, the complete silence from the Benue State University Alumni Association is perplexing and alarming. The association is duty-bound to advocate for its members and address their concerns. However, their ongoing silence implies a lack of interest or willingness to address the challenges faced by graduates.

The Alumni Association should recognize that their mandate extends beyond the mere collection of dues. They must actively engage with the school management, represent the interests of the graduates, and press for reforms to improve administrative processes. By remaining silent, the association undermines the very purpose for which it was established and risks losing the trust and respect of its membership.

A Call for Action: Changing the Focus

It is high time for the Benue State University Alumni Association to refocus its attention on the pressing challenges faced by its members. The association must become a force for positive change within the institution, actively advocating for efficient administrative processes, transparency, and equal opportunities for all graduates.

To address the issue of extortionate transcript costs, the association can collaborate with the school management to adopt a fair and standardized fee structure. Additionally, the alumni body must work towards streamlining administrative processes, ensuring timely issuance of transcripts also not leaving out the deep rooted systemic corruption that is characteristic of the process.

Conclusively, the process of obtaining transcripts from Benue State University is the most difficult activity engaged in by graduates of the school, a culture which is created by knitting patterns of corruption where many hands are greased. The carelessness of the school management, allowing such an unholy act under her nose, the lack of concern shown by the Alumni Association is testament to the fact that the Association has been too engrossed in leadership tussles over the years that it is without a leader whose eyesight is beyond just the collection of dues.

Transcripts can be applied for, and collected online without physical presence in less than a week, this is very possible, it has been done elsewhere, it can be done here.

Quite unfortunate to learn that those who mould us, award us degrees in character and in learning are without character themselves ????

MySchoolNews reporting.