Changes to expect after registration and resumption in BUK

Due to increase of fees among federal Universities,Myschoolnews gathered expected Changes to expect after registration and resumption for new session in Bayero University kano

Changes to expect after registration and resumption in BUK

Below are the lists

1. The level of reading and reading hours will increase

2. A student can even cry when a lecturer has given attendance and he missed it because if they lose that mark na wahala

3. The rate of rahmatology will reduce because our rahmatologists will be more focused on how to pass exams in order not to get carry over and pay big money next session than BABY I DEY OUTSIDE OYA COME OUT

4. Everybody go turn class rep to compulsory friend because if you make class rep vex if e submit your assignment make e bend????

5. TDB will now be TDB during exams...if you don't gerrit forgerrabourit????????

6. No more noise for class by back benchers because if the lecturer vex leave class and say WE MEET IN EXAM HALL...una know wetin e mean

7. All those claiming to be marlians will debunk their title and become USTAZAN DOLE because if you do rubbish....u are coming back next year and u know what that means ????

8. Lecturers won't be taking attendance again because nobody go wan miss class again

9. AN KAFE will no longer be the most frightening phrase in BUK again because it will be replaced with SABON SESSION

10. All those using iPhones will no longer be regarded as the only rich kids because everybody know how much e pay for registration