Edo State Governor Advocates for Special Needs Education, Technological Advancement

Governor of Edo State, Godwin Obaseki, advocated for an advancement in the educational landscape, with a particular emphasis on special needs education.

Edo State Governor Advocates for Special Needs Education, Technological Advancement

Governor of Edo State, Godwin Obaseki, advocated for an advancement in the educational landscape, with a particular emphasis on special needs education. The conference, a pivotal event during the 2024 Education Week, convened at the Sir Victor Uwaifo Creative Hub in Benin City.

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Governor Obaseki emphasized the critical importance of special education, affirming his determination to secure adequate funding for special needs schools before the conclusion of his tenure. "One area I am particularly passionate about is special education," he affirmed. "Before the end of my term as governor of Edo State, I will prioritize securing funding for special needs schools across the State."

He also emphasized the pivotal role of technology in driving development, highlighting its seamless integration into various facets of state operations. "Technology has become an integral part of our governance framework in Edo State. Harnessing data-driven approaches has significantly propelled our development agenda across multiple sectors,"

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"The most significant challenge we encountered along this journey was that of attitudinal change, which our teachers have embraced. Today, we can proudly showcase the remarkable improvements recorded in the education sector."