EIBIC-UNILAG Mobilizes 11,000 Students, Aiming for 70% Entrepreneurs and Innovators Before Graduation

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has launched the Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Business Incubation Certification (EIBIC) program for the 2023/2024 academic session, targeting over 11,000 first-year students.

EIBIC-UNILAG Mobilizes 11,000 Students, Aiming for 70% Entrepreneurs and Innovators Before Graduation

The University of Lagos (UNILAG), under the leadership of Professor Sunday Adebisi, Director of the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Centre, has launched the Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Business Incubation Certification (EIBIC) program for the 2023/2024 academic session. This initiative targets over 11,000 first-year students, with the ambitious goal of transforming 70% of them into entrepreneurs and innovators before they graduate.

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The EIBIC program is designed to integrate business, entrepreneurship, and innovation into the students’ academic journey, regardless of their primary field of study. According to Professor Adebisi, the program aims to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among students, encouraging them to become business owners and employers rather than job seekers. This compulsory program ensures that all students participate, emphasizing the importance of converting their academic discipline into viable entrepreneurial ventures.

UNILAG’s long-term goal is to significantly reduce the number of unemployed graduates. By the time the current cohort graduates, the university hopes that 70% of these students will have established their own businesses or created jobs. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to address youth unemployment and foster economic growth by equipping students with practical skills and entrepreneurial knowledge.

To support this ambitious plan, UNILAG has established several hubs, including the Entrepreneurship and Skills Development Centre, NitHub, Power Lab, AI Robotic Laboratory, and Design Studio. These hubs are designed to help students develop and launch their business ideas. The process involves refining ideas, obtaining patents, and securing funding from partners like the Bank of Industries.

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Although the EIBIC program was conceptualized during the tenure of former Vice-Chancellor Professor Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, it has taken time to fully implement due to the need for thorough planning and collaboration with industry partners. Current Vice-Chancellor Professor Folashade Ogunsola has ensured the program is ready for execution, with plans for a crash course for 500 students annually to accommodate upper-level students.

EIBIC is mandatory for all 100-level students, and completion is a requirement for graduation. This ensures full commitment from the students, who understand the program's importance for their future careers. Unlike the brief skills acquisition programs in the NYSC, EIBIC offers continuous engagement from the first year, providing a comprehensive entrepreneurial education.

Upon graduation, students will receive two certificates: one for their primary discipline and another for completing the EIBIC program. The program offers three levels of certification—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—based on the students' entrepreneurial achievements, from registering a business to securing significant investments.

UNILAG plans to engage parents to garner their support for their children's entrepreneurial pursuits. This initiative is crucial in changing perceptions and encouraging parents to back their children's aspirations beyond traditional career paths.

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The EIBIC program represents a transformative approach to higher education, blending academic learning with practical entrepreneurial skills. With robust support systems and strategic industry partnerships, UNILAG aims to empower students to drive innovation and economic growth, ensuring a brighter future for its graduates and the wider community.