Federal Polytechnic Nekede to Host Seminar on Escaping Toxic Relationships

Federal Polytechnic Nekede announces a seminar focusing on recognizing and escaping toxic relationships, aimed at promoting mental health awareness among female students.

Federal Polytechnic Nekede to Host Seminar on Escaping Toxic Relationships
Federal Polytechnic Nekede

The Evening Programme Students Association (EPSA) at Federal Polytechnic Nekede has announced a one-day seminar focused on recognizing and escaping toxic relationships as a woman.

Themed "Recognizing and Escaping Toxic Relationship as a Woman," the seminar aims to highlight the importance of mental health and well-being among students. It seeks to empower participants with knowledge on identifying and safely exiting toxic relationships.

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The event underscores the message that no one deserves to endure a toxic relationship and encourages individuals to seek help and support as a sign of strength. Emphasizing the values of respect, kindness, and compassion in relationships, the seminar aims to equip attendees with resources to make informed decisions about their personal lives.

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The EPSA Vice President for the 2023/2024 academic session, Comr. UbawughiKe Jecinta Chijindu, reiterated the association's commitment to supporting students' mental health and fostering a supportive campus environment. The Director of Publicity/PRO, Comr. Barr. James Lekara Asuaaka, encouraged widespread participation and sponsorship of the event.

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For inquiries and sponsorship opportunities, interested parties are urged to contact:



The seminar promises to be a pivotal initiative in promoting awareness and dialogue around healthy relationships within the student community.


Comr. Barr. James Lekara Asuaaka  

EPSA Director of Publicity/PRO  

Aluta 24/7 Info  

2023/2024 Academic Session  


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