FULafia VC Prof. Abdul Rahman laments, reminds professors of roles

FULafia VC Prof. Abdul Rahman laments, reminds professors of roles

FULafia VC Prof. Abdul Rahman laments, reminds professors of roles

As education, especially in the university, mentorship and roles of professors continue to lose their erstwhile prominence, a loud call has been made for return to basics and reforms in the education system.

The call was made by a seasoned education administrator and two-time vice-chancellor, Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman of the Federal University of Lafia (FULafia) in Nasarawa State.

Currently the Vice-Chancellor of FULafia, Abdul Rahman lamented, especially, that professors have since abandoned their responsibilities, leading to the collapse of mentorship and curriculum development in the nation’s universities.

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Abdul Rahman spoke during a lecture he delivered titled: “Professor: Is it a rank or service?”

The event also served as an interactive session with all professors and associate professors of the University in attendance.

In attendance, also, was the Vice-Chancellor of the Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK), Professor Sa’adatu Hassan Liman, whom Abdul Rahman said the purpose of the interactive session was to congratulate and celebrate her because of her recent appointment as vice-chancellor of (NSUK). 

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Other intentions of organising the event, he said, included the need to review the duties and responsibilities of professors in FULafia and address some of the concerns raised by students through the Speak-Up Programme introduced by his administration.

The Speaker-Up Programme was introduced to give students opportunity to air their concerns and views on how the University is being administered.

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While wishing the NSUK vice-chancellor a successful tenure of office, Abdul Rahman prayed to Allah to guide her in the leadership of the University.

He said that his administration has operated an open-door policy where every professor was involved in the decision-making process of the University especially, through the committee system.

He urged the professors to know their roles and play them effectively in the interest of the institution,saying that once a staff attended the rank of a professor, those in the lower cadre looked up to him or her for mentorship and guidance.

He said: “A professor holds a high-ranking position in the university. As experts in their respective fields, professors engage in advanced research, scholarship and teaching. They are responsible for imparting knowledge, guiding students and contributing to the academic community through their research and publications.

Professors play a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual and professional development of their students, fostering critical thinking and advancing knowledge within their disciplines.”

Abdul Rahman expressed his gratitude to those professors who have contributed positively to the success of his administration and the development of the University.

The event which was chaired by the Vice-Chancellor of the Nasarawa State University Keffi (NSUK), Prof Sa'adatu Hassan Liman, was held at the Multipurpose Hall of the Management Information System (MIS), Permanent site campus of FULafia.

Declaring the event open, the Vice-Chancellor of the Nasarawa State University Keffi, Prof. Sa'adatu Hassan Liman thanked the vice-chancellor, management, and staff of FULafia for choosing her to chair the occasion and honouring her, saying that the entire NSUK community was grateful to FULafia.

She said that she was at the event to listen and take away important lessons that would add value to her and her University.

Prof. Sa’adatu Liman called on the participants to listen and participate actively in the interaction, hoping that the outcome would enhance the productivity of the participants and contribute to the development of education in Nigeria. 

In a paper titled: "Professor: is it a Rank or Service," Prof. Shehu Abdul Rahman highlighted the duties and responsibilities of a professor to include teaching and curriculum development, research and scholarship, student supervision and advising, academic leadership and service, networking and professional development, administration and programme coordination, institutional contribution and community engagement, and pedagogical innovation and teaching excellence among others.

He concluded that professors play a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual and professional development of their students, fostering critical thinking and advancing knowledge within their disciplines.

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Principal officers of FULafia who attended the event included the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof. Aleruchi Chuku, 

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration Prof. Ali Shugaba, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Partnerships Prof. Samila Dakyes, Registrar, Nuradeen Abdu, University Librarian, Prof.  Abiodun Iyoro, deans and directors of the University. 

The event also had in attendance a delegation from NSUK which included the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Prof. Abdullahi Sallau Modibbo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Prof. Theophilus Daniel Lagi, Registrar, Dr. Bala Isyaka Ahmed II, Bursar, Mallam Murtala Abubakar Kana, Mallam Auwalu Suleiman, Senior Special Assistant to the vice-chancellor, Hajiya Saratu Idris, Special Duties Officer to the vice-chancellor of NSUK and Jaafaru Abdullahi, Deputy Information and Protocol Officer.