How I Achieved First-class Despite Being An Orphan' — UDUS Graduate, Nimatullah Muhammad Bashir
How I Achieved First-class Despite Being An Orphan' — UDUS Graduate, Nimatullah Muhammad Bashir

Against the general notion of orphans being sidelined, Nimatullah Muhammad Bashir has proven that with hardwork and a strong commitment to goals, success is achievable.
As an orphan, Nimatullah faced numerous challenges, but she refused to be held back by her circumstances. Instead, building on the circumstances life presented, she pushed forward, stifling the stereotypes that often accompany orphanhood.
After deciding to study Biochemistry at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS), Nimatullah, a native of Offa hometown in Kwara State, took up a temporary job offer at a law firm in Kaduna to support herself before gaining admission.
"Being an orphan, I have no stable financial support," said Nimatullah, her facial expression etched with concern about the stringent budget she lives on. Nimatullah resorted to working because she believes in not being a liability to family members. Her approach paid off! Fueling her passion for academic excellence.
Unlike many who deem achieving first-class to be an herculean task, attributing success as the poor man's best revenge, Nimatullah made up her mind to give her best shot. Driven by a resolute grit, she embarked on her journey to excel in Biochemistry at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS).
Zealous, ardent, and diligently giving in, despite the rumoured belief that Biochemistry is one of the most difficult courses to study, Nimatullah proved her doubters wrong. "Against all odds," she said, beaming with smiles that followed her academic records. Her impressive grade points of 4.38, 4.49, 4.51, and 4.54 from her 100-level to final-year told the greater part of the story.
"Grateful to God, I'm proud of how far I have come," she shared, reflecting on her remarkable journey with a warm, gentle smile. Her resilience, a proof that hard work yields good results.
However, Nimatullah's journey wasn't an entirely smooth ride. Aside from being academically demanding, she was financially drained. The weight of her responsibilities as an orphan, coupled with the pressure to excel, often left her worried about where to get money for feeding, buying handouts, and meeting other needs.
"I was always worried about where to get money for feeding, buying handouts, and meeting other needs," she recalled, her voice interlaced with a hint of nostalgia. The little savings from the proceeds of her job at the law firm barely footed the expenses of registration.
Moreover, she hung on despite how challenging her situation became in 200-level. Earlier recalled as one of the most toughest period of her life, her resolve remained unshaken. She continued to push forward, driven by her determination to succeed.
Fortunately, Nimatullah's breakthrough came when she was shortlisted for the WAAW Foundation Scholarship. "This helped me to remain focused and discouraged me from the initial plan of deferring the 2022/2023 academic session when I was in 300-level," she added, her eyes glistering with gratitude.
The scholarship was a timely lifesaver that helped Nimatullah stay afloat during her undergraduate days. It not only eased her financial burden but also boosted her confidence, reminding her that her hard work and resilience had not gone unnoticed.
As an avowed candidate for academic excellence, Nimatullah believes success doesn't come as fortune of luck nor as a rare talent. She attributes it to be a mix of strategy, discipline, and mentorship. According to her, she credits her success to "Having the right people, leveraging on learning tools, and prompt attendance of lectures."
In addition to these key factors, Nimatullah also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing academic excellence. In her words: "Academic excellence is important because school isn't a scam. Students should put in their best and pray to God to crown their efforts."
Furthermore, frowning at lecturers being blamed for students' failures, Nimatullah encourages students to take personal responsibility for their actions. "Instead of blaming lecturers for their failures, they [students] should take note of their mistakes and work on improving themselves," she emphasized.
By Ruth Babanginda