JAMB: New Method For Accepting Admission Revealed!

Joint Admission Matriculation Board, JAMB, has introduced a new method for candidates to accept and reject admission.

JAMB: New Method For Accepting Admission Revealed!

Joint Admission Matriculation Board, JAMB, has introduced a new method for candidates to accept and reject admission.

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The Board announced this in JAMBulletin, a weekly publication of the office registrar, following the illegal practices of some universities, cyber cafes, and centers in changing the admission status of candidates for monetary benefit.

According to JAMB, "The Board observed with dismay that some institutions have formed the habit of accepting and rejecting admission offers on behalf of candidates, so as to create vacancies for less qualified but favored candidates."

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They also noted, ‘Some cybercafés and centers engage in the practice in order to blackmail or extort money from the candidates.’

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The Board has put in measures to cut down on these criminal acts. The new method to accept admission is for candidates to send "ACCEPT" to 55019 or 66019, using their verified phone numbers.Candidates could also assess their admission using their fingerprints at any certified computer-based center nationwide.

JAMB aimed to make admission proceedings more transparent. By introducing these measures, they reduce errors linked to manual processes and provide clarity to candidates regarding their admission status. They noted that these new methods were introduced after several abuses, exploitations, and unfair practices were discovered in the previous method of accepting admission.

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“Candidates now have more control over their admission decisions. Instead of institutions accepting or rejecting offers on their behalf, candidates can directly accept or reject admission offers by sending either ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ via their dedicated phone line to 55019 or 66019.”

These new methods would ensure the confidentiality of candidates’ details, preventing cybercafes and centers from engaging in practices that could blackmail or extort money from candidates. They also empower candidates to make informed decisions about their admission offers.