Minister of Education Applauds WASSCE Conduct, Promises School Improvements

The Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman has applauded and expressed his satisfaction with the smooth progression of the ongoing West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

Minister of Education Applauds WASSCE Conduct, Promises School Improvements

In a recent visit to the Government Secondary School Garki in Abuja, the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman has applauded and expressed his satisfaction with the smooth progression of the ongoing West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). During his monitoring of the examination process, Prof. Mamman noted the absence of any reported incidents and lauded the conduct of the nationwide exams.

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"The exams are going on very smoothly," Prof. Mamman remarked. "We are happy with the nationwide exams, and so far we haven’t had any incidents."

However, the Minister did not shy away from addressing the state of the school's infrastructure. Prof. Mamman openly voiced his dissatisfaction with the current conditions and assured that measures would be taken to enhance the school's facilities. "The right thing would be done to give the school the desired facelift," he promised.

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This visit emphasized the government's commitment to not only uphold the integrity of the examination process but also to ensure that educational institutions are equipped with the necessary infrastructure to support learning and development.