New Recruited Soldier Stabs Teacher at Government Science Secondary School in Taraba

The confrontation began on Tuesday morning when the soldier intervened to prevent SSS 2 students from punishing his late-arriving brother.

New Recruited Soldier Stabs Teacher at Government Science Secondary School in Taraba

In a troubling incident at Government Science Secondary School in Donga local government area of Taraba State, a teacher identified as Pavalis Yebduya Joshua was stabbed by a newly recruited soldier. The altercation arose when the soldier, Barau Ishaq, objected to disciplinary action taken against his brother for arriving late to school.

According to reports from Channels TV, the confrontation began on Tuesday morning when the soldier intervened to prevent SSS 2 students from punishing his late-arriving brother. Joshua, the teacher and exam officer, insisted on enforcing the school's rules, leading to a heated exchange between him and Ishaq.

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Joshua defended his actions by likening the situation to a checkpoint scenario, asserting his authority based on age and educational qualifications. The disagreement escalated when Ishaq left the premises but returned shortly thereafter with two accomplices, one in military attire.

The presence of armed men caused panic among students, resulting in chaos as they fled the scene. Ishaq located Joshua and attempted to stab him, injuring the teacher's palm and fingers during the struggle. Colleagues and students gathered as Ishaq fled, leaving behind his associates.

The school's principal promptly reported the incident to the police, who responded by taking Joshua and the abandoned soldier to the station for statements and medical treatment. Despite assurances of covering medical expenses, no action has been taken yet.

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Later, Ishaq returned with a Special Forces team, heightening tensions and causing further distress among students. Joshua, now seeking justice, has appealed to the state government, Police, DSS, and Nigerian Army for intervention.

As of now, neither the Nigerian Army nor the state government has issued an official statement regarding the incident. The situation remains unresolved, prompting concerns over the safety and security of students and staff at Government Science Secondary School.