NSUK VC Recieves UNDP Team, Assures Of University Cooperation

NSUK VC Recieves UNDP Team, Assures Of University Cooperation

NSUK VC Recieves UNDP Team, Assures Of University Cooperation

The Vice-Chancellor of Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Professor Sa'adatu Hassan Liman has assured the United Nation Development Program of the readiness of the  University to support its mandate for creating hubs for innovation and problem solving centres.

The Vice-Chancellor gave the assurance when she recieved Claire Henshaw the team leader of UNDP's Centre for Innovation and Excellence (Unipod) in her office on Thursday 13th June 2024.


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Professor Sa'adatu expressed her optimism that the project will be beneficial to the development of the Mining sector in Nasarawa State and also to the Department of Geology and Mining. She added that the University counts it self lucky to be among the first beneficiaries of the program, and is ready to partner with Unipod.


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In her remarks, the team leader of Unipod, Claire Henshaw explained that Nasarawa State University, Keffi, was chosen as a Centre for the hub because it will serve as a Centre of Excellence and Innovation in the Mining sector due to the strategic position Nasarawa State holds in the area of solid mineral mining and the value chain it will add. She added that students in the Department of Geology and Mining stand to gain a lot from the partnership.


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Nasarawa State University, Keffi.