OAU Resumption For Old And New Students

Obafemi Awolowo University management release information for aspirants and resumption dates for new and old Students.

OAU Resumption For Old And New Students
OAU Resumption For Old And New Students

Obafemi Awolowo University management release information for aspirants and resumption dates for new and old Students.

For students that have received admission into OAU earlier this year

Students in the Faculties of Law, Art, Social Sciences, Agriculture, Administration and Education should resume on October 14

Students in the Faculties of Science, EDM, Dentistry, Medical Science, Pharmacy, and Technology should resume on October 15

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Returning Students should resume on October 2

Note that this was proposed during a recent meeting by the Committee of Deans and it’s still yet to be approve

Keep checking your portals to get confirmed info on resumption or just keep following my posts to get early info from my sure plugs

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To new graduates that chose OAU, registration will begin soon.

 With the old Freshers resuming soon, this assures the new applicants that admission lists will be released early, even though both sets won’t be resuming on the same day. You get to know your fate early so you can switch while there are still many open door.

MySchoolNews reporting.