OYSCATECH issues urgent notice on continuation of suspended 1st semester exam for 2021/2022 session
OYSCATECH issues urgent notice on continuation of suspended 1st semester exam for 2021/2022 session

The Board of Studies at its meeting of Thursday, 3rd November, 2022 considered the appeal made by the leadership of the Students" Union and the Alumni Association and resolved as below, Myschoolnews report.
I. That the 1st semester examination suspended to resume on Monday, 14th November.2022.
ii. That students are required to pay all the prescribed fees and levies, complete the registration and to visit the faculty office with the duplicate of the course registration form to register for the purpose of clearance generation.
iii. That those who have generated course form and registered with the faculty officers but yet to collect their clearance before the examination was suspended are to visit the faculty office to collect their clearance for the examination.
Iv. That all students are required to visit the High Court of Justice to swear an affidavit to be of good behavior not later than Friday. 11th November. 2022.
V. That only students with portal clearance and sworn affidavit would be allowed to participate in the examination when the suspended Ist semester examination resumes on Monday 14th November, 2022
vi. That all students are required to submit a duplicate copy of the swom affidavit in the Academic Affairs Office not later than Friday, 1Ith November, 2022.
Above information are for strict compliance by all students.
Thank you.
P.R.O Oyediran
Acting Registrar