Saadu Zungur University Announces Deadline for Course Registration

Saadu Zungur University, Gadau Announces Deadline for Course Registration

Saadu Zungur University Announces Deadline for Course Registration


The management of Saadu Zungur University has announced a deadline for course registration for the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic session.

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All returning students are required to complete their course registration by Wednesday, July 31, 2024.


The University urges students to take advantage of this deadline to avoid any potential issues with their results, such as the reflection of ABS or FA.

Read Also:BASUG Cut Off Mark For 2023/2024 Admission Exercis

To ensure a smooth registration process, students are advised to consult with their respective Heads of Departments and Level Coordinators.


The University is committed to supporting students throughout the registration process and ensuring a successful academic semester.

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