UNILORIN Alumnus Achieves Huawei's Highest Certification, Becomes Second Nigerian to Do So

The University of Ilorin management took to their social media page to share the news, expressing their congratulations to Jimoh and highlighting his accomplishment. In their post, they stated, “Congratulations to Jimoh Usman, an alumnus of the University of Ilorin’s Department of Telecommunication Science, on becoming a Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE)

UNILORIN Alumnus Achieves Huawei's Highest Certification, Becomes Second Nigerian to Do So

Jimoh Usman, an alumnus of the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN), has become a Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE), the highest certification level offered by Huawei.

Jimoh, who graduated from the Department of Telecommunication Science at UNILORIN, is only the second Nigerian to attain this prestigious certification, a testament to his dedication and expertise in the field of Information and Communication Technology.

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The University of Ilorin management took to their social media page to share the news, expressing their congratulations to Jimoh and highlighting his accomplishment. In their post, they stated, “Congratulations to Jimoh Usman, an alumnus of the University of Ilorin’s Department of Telecommunication Science, on becoming a Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE) - the highest Huawei certification level.”

They further highlighted his unique position, noting, “He’s the second Nigerian to achieve this impressive feat and was also part of the pioneering group of beneficiaries of the Huawei-Department of Telecommunication Science partnership.”

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The university community has warmly congratulated Jimoh on his success. One member expressed their joy, saying, “I am glad to hear of Jimoh’s achievements. He has been a top class guy right from time. Congratulations and I wish you more accomplishments.”