Ebonyi North Students Rally Against Drug Abuse with Support from Local Leadership

Students actively participated in interactive sessions, engaging with the speakers, asking questions, and sharing personal insights into the challenges they face regarding substance abuse.

Ebonyi North Students Rally Against Drug Abuse with Support from Local Leadership

The National Association of Ebonyi North Students, led by its President, Comrade Solomon Obinna Odoh, organized a two-day program themed "THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR: INVEST IN PREVENTION." The initiative, which took place on June 25th and 26th, 2024, aimed to raise awareness and educate students on the detrimental effects of drug abuse.

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The first stage of the program focused on sensitizing students from two prominent secondary schools in Abakaliki: Presco Secondary School and Nnodo Secondary School. At these institutions, the student-led team conducted comprehensive presentations highlighting the physical, mental, academic, and social consequences of drug abuse.

Students actively participated in interactive sessions, engaging with the speakers, asking questions, and sharing personal insights into the challenges they face regarding substance abuse.

On the concluding day of the program, participants joined forces with the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Ebonyi State Command for a road walk, commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The symbolic march aimed to further emphasize the community's commitment to combating drug abuse and promoting a drug-free society.

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The initiative was made possible through the generous sponsorship of Hon. Mrs. Chinyere J. Nwogbaga, the member representing Ebonyi North East constituency in the Ebonyi State House of Assembly.