Young Student Sijibomi Faseyi Triumphs in English Quiz, Wins N200,000 Prize

Young Student, Sijibomi Faseyi, has achieved an impressive feat by emerging as the winner of the English Quiz organized by popular Nigerian journalist and author, David Hundeyin. Hundeyin revealed Sijibomi as the winner of the competition. He wrote, “Congratulations to the winner of the inaugural @educaretech/David Hundeyin English Competition on, Sijibomi Faseyi.”

Young Student Sijibomi Faseyi Triumphs in English Quiz, Wins N200,000 Prize

Young Student, Sijibomi Faseyi, has achieved an impressive feat by emerging as the winner of the English Quiz organized by popular Nigerian journalist and author, David Hundeyin in partnership with Educaretech. Defeating adults and other participants, Sijibomi's victory earned her a cash prize of N200,000.

 The English CBT challenge, as announced by David Hundeyin on his social media platform, was designed in collaboration with Educaretech, an educational platform aimed at assisting students with their learning.

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This achievement follows a tweet by popular Nigerian journalist and author David Hundeyin, who partnered with Educaretech, an educational platform designed to support students. Hundeyin announced the English CBT challenge, highlighting the monetary reward. He tweeted, “I’ve partnered with Educaretech on an English CBT challenge for users holding tomorrow at 8.00 PM. The 10-minute quickfire challenge has a top prize of N200,000.”

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Recently, Hundeyin revealed Sijibomi as the winner of the competition. He wrote, “Congratulations to the winner of the inaugural @educaretech/David Hundeyin English Competition on, Sijibomi Faseyi.”