Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo Tops UNN 52nd Graduating Class with CGPA 4.81

Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo, ranked as the 52nd Best Graduating Student at UNN, shines with a remarkable CGPA of 4.81, celebrated for academic excellence and awarded by the Orji Uzor Kalu Foundation.

Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo Tops UNN 52nd Graduating Class with CGPA 4.81
Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo (young man in the middle)

In a momentous occasion at the 52nd convocation ceremony, the spotlight shone brightly on Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo, who emerged as the Best Graduating Student (BGS)of the school, from the Economics Department within the Faculty of Social Sciences. With an outstanding Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.81, Ugwuoke's academic prowess and dedication have propelled him to the forefront of excellence.

The prestigious accolade was not only a recognition of Ugwuoke's academic achievements but also a testament to his relentless pursuit of knowledge and scholarly endeavors throughout his academic journey.

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Amidst the grandeur of the convocation event, Ugwuoke's remarkable accomplishments were further highlighted as he received a significant reward. The Orji Uzor Kalu Foundation, known for its commitment to fostering education and excellence, bestowed upon him a generous award of 500k. This noteworthy recognition not only acknowledges Ugwuoke's individual brilliance but also serves as a token of appreciation for his exemplary performance within the Economics Department.

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Moreover, Ugwuoke's exceptional distinction was duly honored by the Orji Uzor Kalu Foundation, which allocated 250k specifically for the Best Graduating Student of Economics and another 250k for the Faculty BGS. This allocation underscores the foundation's commitment to nurturing academic excellence within specific disciplines and broader academic domains.

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Ugwuoke's journey stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring scholars, demonstrating that dedication, diligence, and passion are the cornerstones of academic success. His achievement not only reflects positively on himself but also elevates the reputation of his alma mater, showcasing the caliber of talent nurtured within the Economics Department and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

As Ugwuoke Cornelius Chinemeogo embarks on the next chapter of his journey, his legacy of excellence will continue to inspire future generations of students to strive for greatness and push the boundaries of academic achievement. With his unwavering determination and scholarly aptitude, Ugwuoke exemplifies the epitome of academic distinction, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of educational excellence.

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