Unimaid Microbiology Graduand, Simeon Stephen, Achieves Historic First Class Honors

Simeon Stephen, a determined graduate, has shattered a two-decade record by graduating with First Class Honors in Microbiology from the University of Maiduguri (Unimaid) as monitored by myschoolnews.

Unimaid Microbiology Graduand, Simeon Stephen, Achieves Historic First Class Honors

Simeon Stephen, a 2020/2021 graduand from the University of Maiduguri (Unimaid), has made history by achieving First Class Honors in the Department of Microbiology. His remarkable accomplishment has broken a record that stood unchallenged for two decades.

Simeon's journey to academic excellence was marked by unwavering dedication, relentless hard work, and an unyielding spirit. His passion for microbiology and commitment to his studies propelled him to this extraordinary achievement.

The Department of Microbiology at Unimaid has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence, and Simeon's First Class Honors distinction is a testament to his exceptional abilities and determination.

The entire Unimaid community, as well as friends and family, are celebrating this historic achievement with Simeon Stephen. His accomplishment not only brings honor to the university but also inspires future generations of students to strive for greatness.

Simeon's story serves as a reminder that with perseverance, dedication, and a strong commitment to one's goals, remarkable achievements are possible.