UNIMAID Mourns the Loss of 400-Level Student, Nazeer Kila

UNIMAID Mourns the Loss of Student, Nazeer Kila

UNIMAID Mourns the Loss of 400-Level Student, Nazeer Kila

The University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) regrets to announce the passing of one of its students, M Nazeer Kila, from the Faculty of Education, Department of Health Education, 400 Level. M Nazeer Kila succumbed to a long illness last night.

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The university community mourns the loss of this promising young life and extends its condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. May Allah forgive his shortcomings and grant him Jannah as his final resting place.

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The university requests that friends and colleagues offer a word of prayer for the departed soul.

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