UNIZIK VC Chancellor Contest Ends With NUC Directive

The National University Commission's (NUC) Directive brought an end to the contest for Nnamdi Azikiwe University's Vice Chancellor Position.

UNIZIK VC Chancellor Contest Ends With NUC Directive

The contest to succeed the outgoing Vice Chancellor of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Prof Charles Esimonemay, have reached its end following a recent directive from the National Universities Commission (NUC). Prof Esimone's five-year tenure is set to conclude on June 4, 2024, marking its end since assuming office in 2019.

The race to succeed him, has been marked by acrimony as interested candidates employed various tactics to gain an edge over their competitors. These methods included the circulation of petitions and the dissemination of fake news aimed at tarnishing the reputations of opposing candidates.

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However, hopes and strategies of contenders were overturned with the emergence of a directive from the NUC, as reported by our correspondent. The directive, signed by the Acting Executive Secretary, Chris J. Maiyaki, outlined a clear protocol for the handover of responsibilities from outgoing Vice-Chancellors to their next ranking deputies in Federal Universities.

According to the directive, outgoing Vice-Chancellors are instructed to relinquish their duties to the next most senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the university. This directive is grounded in existing regulations governing the administration of Federal Universities, which stipulate that Vice-Chancellors must vacate their positions upon the expiration of their designated tenures.

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Furthermore, outgoing Vice-Chancellors are tasked with ensuring that a comprehensive handover report is compiled. This report is expected to document key activities, ongoing projects, university assets, financial statements, and any other pertinent information relevant to the administration of the institution.