Young Lady Gift Abah Earns Pharmacy Distinction After 7 Years of Dedicated Study at the University of Lagos

Gift proudly shared her accomplishment on LinkedIn, announcing her induction into the pharmacy profession. The graduation marks the culmination of a bittersweet seven-year journey during which she navigated challenges, embraced learning opportunities, and celebrated successes.

Young Lady Gift Abah Earns Pharmacy Distinction After 7 Years of Dedicated Study at the University of Lagos

In a remarkable feat of perseverance and dedication, Gift Abah has achieved academic success by obtaining a Pharmacy degree with distinctions from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. What makes her journey stand out is the fact that she completed her seven-year academic odyssey instead of the conventional five-year timeline.

Gift proudly shared her accomplishment on LinkedIn, announcing her induction into the pharmacy profession. The graduation marks the culmination of a bittersweet seven-year journey during which she navigated challenges, embraced learning opportunities, and celebrated successes.

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Throughout her student years, Gift actively participated in various fellowships, boot camps, programs, and student organizations. Some notable engagements include The Studentbuild, Youth Opportunities, The Bridge Program by The Afara Initiative, and The Platform Young Professionals boot camp. These experiences allowed her to both mentor and be mentored, tutor, and be under tutelage.

In the initial four years, Gift focused on volunteering and academic excellence. Subsequently, she shifted her focus to the acquisition of high-impact skills during the last three years. Her skills have since been put to use in contributing meaningfully to products and companies, addressing critical issues in areas such as energy and sustainability, logistics for small and medium-scale businesses, and education technology (EdTech).

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Gift expressed excitement about a lifetime of continuous, life-long learning and exploration as she embarks on her postgraduate studies. She extended heartfelt gratitude to everyone who played a role in her success, acknowledging the support of her family, lecturers, mentors, friends, and peers, stating that they made the journey worthwhile.

This exceptional achievement by Gift Abah serves as an inspiration and testament to the rewards of perseverance and a commitment to continuous learning.