Akawe Torkula Polytechnic Set to Lead in Industrial-Relevant Education, Says New Rector

Dr. Agena acknowledged past strides but pointed out challenges in accreditation and infrastructure development. He pledged a renewed focus on these areas, aiming to attract local and international partnerships to bolster ATP's capabilities.

Akawe Torkula Polytechnic Set to Lead in Industrial-Relevant Education, Says New Rector

Martins Moses Agena, recently appointed as the Rector of Akawe Torkula Polytechnic (ATP) Makurdi, Benue State, outlined his ambitious vision for the institution in an exclusive interview. Dr. Agena, who holds a PhD in Development Communication and boasts a rich academic and administrative background, expressed his commitment to elevating ATP into a premier educational hub focused on meeting contemporary industrial demands.

Founded in 1976 and upgraded to a polytechnic in 2020, ATP is named after Alfred Akawe Torkula, a revered traditional ruler of the Tiv nation. Dr. Agena emphasized the institution's historical journey through various educational phases and outlined his strategy to enhance its status.

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"The polytechnic will champion technical and vocational education, equipping students with cutting-edge skills essential for today's industries," Dr. Agena affirmed. He underscored his goal to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and research, aligning with the developmental agenda of Governor Hyacinth Iormem Alia.

Reflecting on the previous administration's efforts, Dr. Agena acknowledged past strides but pointed out challenges in accreditation and infrastructure development. He pledged a renewed focus on these areas, aiming to attract local and international partnerships to bolster ATP's capabilities.

Dr. Agena outlined comprehensive plans for staff development, including continuous training through a newly established consultancy firm, Akawe Torkula Polytechnic Consultancy Services Limited. This initiative aims to ensure faculty readiness in delivering high-quality education aligned with global standards.

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Moreover, Dr. Agena highlighted his strategy for financial sustainability, emphasizing the institution's attractiveness to non-governmental organizations and governmental bodies for funding opportunities. He cited ongoing discussions with potential donors, including the MacArthur Foundation, to support ATP's growth and academic programs.

In concluding remarks, Dr. Agena called for stakeholder support at all levels, urging the community to recognize the pivotal role of technical education in driving societal development. He emphasized the polytechnic's role in producing skilled graduates poised for global competitiveness, signaling a transformative era under his leadership.

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The new rector set a timeline of three years to achieve significant milestones, aiming to position ATP as a global leader in science and technical education by leveraging strategic partnerships and innovative educational practices.