David Umahi Federal University Leads National Drive for Evidence-Based Policy Decisions

David Umahi's Federal University emerges as a leading force in advocating for evidence-based policymaking, signaling a pivotal shift in Nigeria's governance landscape.

David Umahi Federal University Leads National Drive for Evidence-Based Policy Decisions
David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences

In a compelling display of leadership and vision, the David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences emerged as a beacon of excellence at the recent Second National Stakeholders' Engagement Event held in Abuja. Professor Jesse Uneke, the institution's distinguished Vice-Chancellor, stood at the forefront of the discourse, advocating for the adoption of evidence synthesis reports to drive informed policy decisions across Nigeria.

Uneke's impassioned plea resonated deeply with attendees, underscoring the university's unwavering commitment to pioneering initiatives that shape the nation's developmental landscape. Drawing upon the wealth of expertise cultivated at the African Institute for Health Policy & Health Systems, established under his leadership at Ebonyi State University, Uneke articulated a compelling vision for evidence-based governance.

The event, generously supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada, provided a platform for showcasing the university's pivotal role in capacity-building initiatives. Uneke's call to strengthen the technical proficiency of policymakers aligned seamlessly with the university's mission to empower individuals and organizations with the tools needed to effect meaningful change.

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Participants hailing from key governmental bodies such as the Federal Ministries of Health, Environment, and Power, along with representatives from regulatory agencies including the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), bore witness to the university's leadership in action.

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Guest facilitators, including esteemed scholars from AFIDEP Kenya and Makerere University Uganda, offered insights gleaned from their nations' experiences in evidence-informed policymaking. Yet, it was Uneke's unwavering dedication to advancing the cause of evidence-based governance that resonated most profoundly throughout the event.

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As the curtains drew close on the gathering, Uneke reaffirmed the university's commitment to spearheading a comprehensive training program aimed at equipping policymakers with the requisite skills for evidence-informed decision-making. His words echoed the sentiment of a university poised at the vanguard of change, poised to shape the trajectory of Nigeria's policymaking landscape for generations to come.

In essence, the Second National Stakeholders' Engagement Event served as a testament to the indomitable spirit of innovation and leadership embodied by the David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences. Through its unwavering dedication to excellence, the university stands poised to catalyze a paradigm shift towards evidence-based governance, driving Nigeria ever closer towards its full potential.