EBSU Tragedy: Lecturer Denies Role in Student's Suicide

In a viral video that has surfaced on the internet, a woman who identified herself as the mother of the deceased, Favour Ugwu, directed accusations towards "Dr. Enyi" and Ebonyi State University, holding them responsible for her daughter's death. Professor Enyi, addressing journalists on Friday, refuted the allegations and clarified that the late student's suicide couldn't be attributed to academic matters.

EBSU Tragedy: Lecturer Denies Role in Student's Suicide

Amid the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Miss Favour Ugwuka, a final-year student of the Department of English at Ebonyi State University, who reportedly committed suicide on Wednesday night, the accused lecturer, Prof. Amechi Enyi, has denied any involvement in her death.

In a viral video that has surfaced on the internet, a woman who identified herself as the mother of the deceased, Favour Ugwu, directed accusations towards "Dr. Enyi" and Ebonyi State University, holding them responsible for her daughter's death. 

Professor Enyi, addressing journalists on Friday, refuted the allegations and clarified that the late student's suicide couldn't be attributed to academic matters. He stated, "It is not true that her death is related to an academic issue. I don’t see how somebody who was not victimized, someone who failed an exam would decide to take her own life." 

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 Recounting his account of what transpired, he said, "I am Prof. A. U. Enyi of the Department of English and Literary Studies at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. It is unfortunate, quite unfortunate, that the girl ended her life in the way she did. I was shocked when I heard the news. “And of course, you know that she may not have been the only person who wrote the exam, and some people may have failed also. So, it is not true, and really, that was my first reaction. How could she have decided to take her own life, that is if she did take her life? How could she have decided to take her own life when she was not victimized in the exam?”

When asked if he knew about the deceased’s repeated failure in the course, he added, "Yes, I became aware of this student in February 2024 after we had uploaded our second-semester results. The results were already approved by the school because, before we upload results so that students can have access to them, the school management would have approved the results.

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Prof. Enyi, claimed he was threatened by the deceased’s mother several times before the incident. ""So the mother called me one night, claiming that I was witch-hunting her daughter, questioning how her daughter could have passed all other courses only to fail mine. When I tried to explain to her the procedure for addressing such an accusation, she refused to listen, and then I had no choice but to disconnect the call., and I didn’t dwell further on it because the university has a process for handling such matters", he mentioned.

Further explaining, he remarked, "According to university rules, the examination does not belong to the lecturer; we had submitted the results, the student scripts, the questions, and the marking scheme, so all these are the property of the university and they are all verifiable. “So, if anyone feels aggrieved, the process for reviewing the papers is there. And what such an aggrieved person needs to do is not threaten my life.”

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Prof. Enyi also  expressed his frustration at the lack of inquiry into the true cause of Favour's death, urging for a post-mortem examination to uncover the facts. He emphasized, "I feel aggrieved because the woman has refused to find out what happened to her daughter... Why is it that she can not call for a post-mortem or even an autopsy to find out the real cause of her daughter’s death?"

Expressing his dismay at the situation, Prof. Enyi emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Favour's death. "I call on the security people and you journalists to investigate deeper what may have led to her death... There are students who live with her, and they would know her activities and what she has been doing in Abakaliki."