Carnegie Mellon University Expert Authors Cagan, Boatwright Share Insights on Leading Successful Innovation Teams

All members of the Carnegie Mellon University community and beyond are invited to attend this enriching Faculty Conversation and explore the secrets to building and leading successful innovation teams in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.

Carnegie Mellon University Expert Authors Cagan, Boatwright Share Insights on Leading Successful Innovation Teams

On May 30, 2024, Carnegie Mellon University would host a Faculty Conversation titled "Building and Leading Successful Innovation Teams," featuring renowned authors Jon Cagan and Peter Boatwright, sharing valuable insights drawn from their latest book, "Managing the Unmanageable: 13 Tips for Building and Leading a Successful Innovation Team." The event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.

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Cagan and Boatwright, esteemed faculty members at Carnegie Mellon University, will delve into the dynamics of innovation team leadership, drawing from their extensive research and practical experience. During the discussion, attendees can expect to explore key topics, including:

  • Identifying strategies that effectively drive innovation within teams
  • Understanding common pitfalls and challenges faced when leading innovation initiatives
  • Learning practical tips and techniques to enhance team performance and increase the likelihood of success
  • Discovering actionable insights that can be applied to everyday work life, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration

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The conversation has promised to be enlightening and engaging, offering attendees the opportunity to learn valuable knowledge and strategies from two experts in the field of innovation management. Whether you're a seasoned leader seeking to optimize your team's performance or an aspiring innovator looking to learn from the best, this event is sure to provide valuable insights and inspiration.

All members of the Carnegie Mellon University community and beyond are invited to attend this enriching Faculty Conversation and explore the secrets to building and leading successful innovation teams in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.