FUTA Begins Testrun of App Developed by Students for Library Access

Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) begins Testrun of App Developed by Students for Library access, the pilot test run of software developed by a student for access control.

FUTA Begins Testrun of App Developed by Students for Library Access
FUTA Begins Testrun of App Developed by Students for Library Access

Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) begins Testrun of App Developed by Students for Library access, the pilot test run of software developed by a student for access control.

Following the approval of the Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology Akure, FUTA Professor Adenike Oladiji , the library of the institution has begun the pilot test run of software developed by a student for access control . The software , named TouchNut developed by a team led by a 400level Student of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,  Daniel Adeniyi , is now being used to regulate entry and exit of students into the  Albert Ilemobade Library  and to monitor activities.

Adeniyi explained that the major advantage of the Software is that it provides an easy to use identification system that helps the security unit to monitor  the activities that go on in the library. He also stated that the TouchNut provides an Intranet server that contains student’s information and comes with an intranet connection. Its  server is also well secured ensuring the  security  students information from easy access on the internet.  

He pointed out that with the TouchNut app, students  can borrow books and library staff will  not need to worry about its return on its expiration date because the software would track down the student’s Card and notify the staff. 

He said the  TouchNut identification Software would be useful  to three major units in the Library. First is the security unit as it helps them check people in and out of the Library. Second is the circulation unit because it helps create user profiles for students, develop and assign cards as well. Lastly is the Management Unit because the Management has complete oversight of everything that happens in the Library.

The Vice Chancellor said after the test run steps will be taken for the deployment of the software in other relevant areas including campus shuttle transportation. Professor Oladiji said students of FUTA are being helped  on the path of products development, registration of their intellectual property and its commercialization.

MySchoolNews reporting.