Gateway Polytechnic announces new screening date for ND/HND applicants for 2022/2023 session
Gateway Polytechnic has announced new screening date for ND/HND applicants for 2022/2023 session

This is to inform all the Part-Time applicants and those who missed previous screenings at both National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) levels that another screening holds tomorrow, Tuesday November 1st, 2022, Myschoolnews report.
Venue is Mass communication building, 9.00am prompt.
This is to inform all the Part-Time applicants and those who missed previous capturing exercise at both National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) levels that the next capturing holds Thursday November 3rd, 2022.
Venue is Mass communication building, 9.00am prompt.
Registration on Jamb Caps
In line with admission requirements, all newly admitted Part- Time (PT) students are as requested by the Joint Admission Matriculation Boards, JAMB, to proceed to JAMB portal for registration on its Central Admission Processing portal as part -time students of Gateway ICT Polytechnic, Saapade.
All concerned students are advised to act accordingly