GHIDI-NSUK Scholars Make International Debut at Prestigious Conferences

GHIDI-NSUK Scholars Make International Debut at Prestigious Conferences

GHIDI-NSUK Scholars Make International Debut at Prestigious Conferences

The Global Health and Infectious Diseases Institute, Nasarawa State University Keffi (GHIDI-NSUK), proudly announces the outstanding achievements of its PhD scholars, Mrs. Joyce Ocheola-Oki and Ms. Afolabi.

Both scholars recently presented their research at esteemed international conferences:

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- Mrs. Ocheola-Oki: Fat and Nutrition Conference in Italy

- Ms. Afolabi: One Health Congress in South Africa

GHIDI-NSUK secured a student travel grant for their conference participation.

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"This accomplishment showcases our institute's commitment to nurturing exceptional talent and contributing to global health discourse," said 

GHIDI-NSUK congratulates Mrs. Ocheola-Oki and Ms. Afolabi on this remarkable milestone, wishing them continued success and growth in their academic pursuits.