Inspiring Journey: 80-Year-Old Madeline Adams Achieves Lifelong Dream of Graduating College

“I just want to put a period on something I started back in 1960,” she shared, reflecting on her decision to resume her studies

Inspiring Journey: 80-Year-Old Madeline Adams Achieves Lifelong Dream of Graduating College

In a remarkable testament to resilience and lifelong learning, 80-year-old Madeline Elizabeth Adams has accomplished her dream of obtaining a Bachelor's degree, closing a chapter that began in 1960 when she first embarked on her educational journey.

Madeline Adams graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies with a specialization in Criminal Justice from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, United States. Her educational pursuit faced challenges in 1960, leading to a hiatus, but Adams was determined to complete what she started over six decades ago.

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“I just want to put a period on something I started back in 1960,” she shared, reflecting on her decision to resume her studies.

Life's complexities, including raising three children and navigating career changes, led Adams to temporarily abandon her academic aspirations. However, retirement brought with it a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration from her children, motivating her to revisit her educational goals.

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“I was through with school and my children encouraged me in these latter years – these curtain years: ‘Momma, you’re not going to be a couch potato,’” she explained.

Commencing her studies anew, Adams became a source of inspiration not only to her children but also to her great-grandchildren. Commuting from her home in Galveston, Texas, to the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and leveraging online courses, she pursued a multidisciplinary studies program with a focus on criminal justice.

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Despite her age, Madeline Adams demonstrated unwavering commitment and completed her degree, fulfilling a promise to herself. “I think I would thank myself that I made a decision and I stuck with it. I started out with the goal to put a period, and the period has been placed,” she expressed with joy.

Madeline Adams's journey serves as a beacon of determination, proving that age is no barrier to education and that dreams can be realized with perseverance.