LAUTECH Professor Urges Compassion for Students with Low UTME Grades: 'Don’t Ridicule Them,' Advises Parental Support

Professor Misbaudeen Abdulhameed from LAUTECH shares valuable advice for parents of students with low grades in the UTME

LAUTECH Professor Urges Compassion for Students with Low UTME Grades: 'Don’t Ridicule Them,' Advises Parental Support

A prominent academic figure at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Professor Misbaudeen Abdulhameed, has provided valuable counsel to parents and guardians regarding handling children's UTME results sensitively. Drawing from his personal journey, he shared his own experience of facing challenges with the UTME despite excelling in O'levels.

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Professor Abdulhameed, currently heading the department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at LAUTECH, emphasized the importance of rationality in interpreting UTME results. Despite scoring 198 in the UTME, he later emerged as LAUTECH's overall best graduating student in 2004, a testament to his resilience and academic prowess.

In a heartfelt Facebook post, Professor Abdulhameed urged parents to refrain from actions that could negatively impact their children's self-esteem. He highlighted that poor UTME results should not define a student's worth, emphasizing the temporary nature of challenges and the potential for future success.

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Reflecting on his own journey, he shared his initial setback with a low UTME score despite excelling in O'levels. However, he went on to secure admission to study Pure and Applied Chemistry at LAUTECH and graduated as the university's overall best student with First Class Honors.

Professor Abdulhameed's story serves as a poignant reminder that circumstances are not permanent, and setbacks should not deter individuals from pursuing their dreams. His message resonates with compassion and encouragement, urging parents to support their children through challenges rather than subjecting them to ridicule.

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As a respected academic and leader in his field, Professor Abdulhameed's words carry weight, offering valuable insights into resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. His story serves as an inspiration to students and parents alike, demonstrating the transformative power of determination and self-belief.