MAPOLY Retirees Urge Ogun Government to Expedite Pension Case

Retirees of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) in Abeokuta have called on the Ogun State Government to expedite the legal process regarding their inadequate pension and gratuity payments.

MAPOLY Retirees Urge Ogun Government to Expedite Pension Case

 The Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) retirees have called for a swift resolution to their lawsuit against the Ogun State Government regarding inadequate pension and gratuity payments. At a news conference held in Abeokuta, Alhaji Taiwo Otunba, Chairman of the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Retirees Forum, highlighted the financial struggles faced by the retirees due to the continued use of outdated salary structures for pension calculations.

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Since their retirement in 2011, the Ogun State Government has been paying MAPOLY retirees based on the old CONTIS salary structure, despite the Federal Government's 2009 approval of the CONPCASS and CONTEDIS structures for tertiary institution staff. This discrepancy has left retirees receiving significantly lower pensions compared to their in-service counterparts.

In May 2023, the retirees took their case to the National Industrial Court, but an agreement for an out-of-court settlement with the state government fell through when the government failed to act on its promises. The retirees have now returned to court, only to face further delays and adjournments, causing frustration and suspicion of their lawyer's integrity.

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Alhaji Otunba expressed concern over the dwindling number of retirees, some of whom have died or become bedridden due to lack of adequate medical care. He emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue to ensure that the remaining retirees, many of whom are close to 80 years old, can receive their rightful payments and live with dignity.

In response to allegations of compromise, the retirees' lawyer, Mr. Lukman Abdullahi, denied any wrongdoing and stated his commitment to the case, despite personally bearing the costs.

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The retirees called on the court to expedite the legal process, urging for immediate rectification of their pension and gratuity payments to reflect their final emoluments, as per national and international pension laws. They also appealed to the public to recognize the injustice they have endured after serving the institution for over 30 years.

The press conference was attended by 55 retirees, the youngest of whom is over 70 years old, highlighting the urgency and gravity of their plight.