NELFUND Approves First Disbursement of Student Loans

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has taken a major step forward in its mission to support students by approving the disbursement of loans to successful applicants. This decision underscores President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s dedication to providing timely and essential financial assistance to students in need, enabling them to pursue their educational goals without undue financial stress.

NELFUND  Approves First Disbursement of Student Loans

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has taken a major step forward in its mission to support students by approving the disbursement of loans to successful applicants.

This announcement comes following the inaugural meeting of the organization's board held on Wednesday,June 26th,2024,in Abuja.

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In a press statement signed by Nasir Ayitogo, Head of Media and Public Relations, the University management revealed, “The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, held the inaugural meeting of its board in Abuja. The meeting marked a significant milestone in the organization’s commitment to empowering students through financial support.”

The board meeting, chaired by Mr. Jim Ovia, discussed various agenda items, with the top priority being the approval for the disbursement of student loans to successful applicants.  “This decision underscores President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s dedication to providing timely and essential financial assistance to students in need, enabling them to pursue their educational goals without undue financial stress,” the statement added.

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Mr. Ayitogo further highlighted that by immediately approving the disbursement of loans, NELFUND is taking a crucial step in fulfilling its mission to support education and empower the next generation of leaders. “By approving the immediate disbursement of the loans, NELFUND is taking a critical step in fulfilling its mission to support education and empower the next generation of leaders. The inaugural meeting also set the stage for future initiatives aimed at enhancing educational opportunities and providing comprehensive support to students across various disciplines,” the statement concluded.

Among those in attendance at the board meeting were the fund’s management team, led by Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Akintunde Sawyerr, as well as representatives from member organizations.