“No Part of the Scriptures Opposes Moderate use of Alcohol” - Prof Augustine Ogbonna

Professor Augustine Ogbonna, an expert in Brewing Science and Technology, challenged prevailing misconceptions about alcohol consumption.

“No Part of the Scriptures Opposes Moderate use of Alcohol” - Prof Augustine Ogbonna

Professor Augustine Ogbonna, an expert in Brewing Science and Technology, challenged prevailing misconceptions about alcohol consumption. His lecture, titled “From Barley to Sorghum: A Paradigm Shift for Nigeria’s Brewing Industry,” emphasized the health benefits of moderate alcohol use.

Professor Ogbonna began by asserting that there is no scriptural prohibition against moderate alcohol consumption. Contrary to popular belief, he argued that moderate intake of alcoholic beverages can be beneficial to health. Quoting extensively from religious texts, he debunked the notion that alcohol is inherently sinful.

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Addressing the religious perspective, Professor Ogbonna highlighted that Jesus Christ never explicitly condemned wine consumption. Instead, like other Jews of his time, Jesus advised moderation. The professor expressed dismay that both Muslims and Christians often frown upon alcohol use while simultaneously benefiting from taxes on alcohol production and sales.

The scriptures, according to Professor Ogbonna, frequently mention wine as an intoxicating beverage. For instance, in Genesis 14:18, Melchizedek, a priest of the Most High God, offered bread and wine to Abraham. Deuteronomy 14:26 even commands people to enjoy wine during yearly festivals. Additionally, Levitical priests were instructed to include wine as a drink offering in sacrifices (Exodus 29:40). The blessing of wine was prophesied as a heritage for the chosen people (Genesis 27:28).

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Concluding his lecture, Professor Ogbonna emphasized that both the Old Testament and the New Testament do not oppose moderate alcohol use. He clarified that small quantities of alcohol are neither harmful nor addictive. Some medical professionals even recommend red wine for its potential heart health benefits.

In a bold recommendation, Professor Ogbonna urged the Federal Government to cease policy reversals and focus on developing a sorghum breed capable of replacing imported barley as the primary ingredient in beer production. Such a shift, he believes, would enhance Nigeria’s brewing industry while promoting responsible alcohol consumption.