Prof. Taiwo Adenegan of Achievers University Appointed Chairman of Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter

Prof. Taiwo Adenegan, Director of Academic Planning at Achievers University, Owo, and a member of the 1996 set, has been appointed Chairman of the Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter.

Prof. Taiwo Adenegan of Achievers University Appointed Chairman of Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter

Prof. Taiwo Adenegan, Director of Academic Planning at Achievers University, Owo, and a distinguished member of the 1996 set, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter. This appointment signifies a remarkable milestone in his career and underscores his dedication to advancing mental health and well-being across the nation.

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 The announcement of Prof. Taiwo Adenegan's appointment has been met with widespread congratulations and celebrations from colleagues, friends, and well-wishers. As a respected figure within the academic and counselling community, Prof. Adenegan's leadership is poised to bring positive change and innovation to the field.

His colleagues at Achievers University express their support and eagerness to assist him in his mission to promote mental health awareness and provide counselling services to individuals across Ondo State. Moreover, the Owo High School community anticipates benefiting from Prof. Adenegan's expertise and leadership, enhancing the educational experience for students.

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Prof. Adenegan's appointment reflects a significant opportunity to drive initiatives that prioritize mental health and well-being, especially in a time where the importance of psychological support is increasingly recognized. With his guidance, the Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter, is poised to make meaningful contributions to the community.

In response to the overwhelming support and well-wishes, Prof. Adenegan expresses gratitude and acknowledges the responsibility bestowed upon him. He remains committed to serving with diligence and integrity, guided by the collective goal of fostering positive mental health outcomes for all.

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 The appointment of Prof. Taiwo Adenegan as Chairman of the Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ondo Chapter, marks a significant milestone in his career and a testament to his dedication to advancing mental health initiatives. As he embarks on this new journey, supported by colleagues, friends, and well-wishers, Prof. Adenegan's leadership promises to make a lasting impact on the well-being of individuals and communities across Ondo State.