Six JSS3 Students Drown in Kaduna State River

Six junior secondary school students drowned in the Mbang River in Ribang village, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State. Simon Ishaku, the National Public Relations Officer of Ribang Development Association, confirmed the incident on Wednesday. Ishaku highlighted the longstanding danger posed by the Mbang River to the community.

Six JSS3 Students Drown in Kaduna State River

Six junior secondary school students drowned in the Mbang River in Ribang village, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The tragedy occurred on Tuesday evening around 5:30 PM as the students were returning from their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

The victims, all students of Government Secondary School Fadan Chawai, have been identified as Manasseh Monday (16), Musa John (16), Pius David (15), Monday Ayuba (16), David Danlami (19), and Yahuza Audu (16).

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Simon Ishaku, the National Public Relations Officer of Ribang Development Association, confirmed the incident on Wednesday. He stated that three bodies had been recovered and buried, while three students remain missing. “The schoolchildren left their homes full of hope and excitement while their parents went to the farm with the hope of reuniting with them after writing their papers of the day, only to meet their untimely death,” he said.

Ishaku highlighted the longstanding danger posed by the Mbang River to the community. “The Mbang river has been a deathtrap for our people over the years, because before the community can access any school or any hospital facility, they’ve to travel for about eight kilometres,” he explained.

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He further appealed to the federal government for assistance in building essential infrastructure for the community. “We’re calling on the Federal Government, Governor Uba Sani, Sen. Sunday Katung and our House of Representatives members as a matter of urgency, to kindly assist us with a school, hospital, access road and bridge to bring succour to our community,” Simon urged.

The community mourns the loss of these young lives and hopes for swift action to prevent such tragedies in the future.