Strike: Minister of Finance Proposes ₦105,000 Minimum Wage Amidst Mixed Reactions

The Minister of Finance, Wale Edun, has presented a proposal for a new national minimum wage to President Bola Tinubu.

Strike: Minister of Finance Proposes ₦105,000 Minimum Wage Amidst Mixed Reactions

In a significant move, the Minister of Finance, Wale Edun, has presented a proposal for a new national minimum wage to President Bola Tinubu on Thursday, May 6. The proposed figure was allegedly reported to be ₦105,000, marking a potential shift in the financial landscape for workers across the nation.

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This development comes after President Tinubu's directive on June 4, requesting the finance minister to draft a new wage template within two days. Despite the prompt submission, the Labour Congress has expressed concerns over the lack of new updates as of the morning of June 6.

The announcement has sparked a wave of reactions from Nigerians, with some applauding the initiative, questioning if the increase will be implemented across all sectors. Others deem the proposed amount insufficient, urging for a higher wage. Skepticism also surfaces as some citizens express distrust, hoping the proposal will not be retracted.

One citizen optimistically noted, "We are getting somewhere," indicating a sense of progress amidst the diverse opinions.

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The proposal is now under consideration, and its acceptance could herald a new era for the Nigerian workforce, promising improved living standards and economic stability. However, the mixed responses highlight the complexities involved in balancing economic policies with public sentiment.