Tragic Death of 15-Year-Old Schoolboy Shocks Social Media

A tragic incident has gone viral on social media after a young woman shared the devastating sight of her 15-year-old brother returning home from school in a coffin.

Tragic Death of 15-Year-Old Schoolboy Shocks Social Media

A tragic incident has gone viral on social media after a young woman shared the devastating sight of her 15-year-old brother returning home from school in a coffin. In a deeply emotional post on a popular social media platform, the grieving sister expressed her profound sorrow over the sudden loss of her brother.

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The post included a poignant note that conveyed her disbelief and pain: "You went to school and returned home dead. I thought you would finish school and come back in a grand style, but you came back as a corpse. Sleep well, my brother; my heart is broken.”

The accompanying video on her page provided further details, revealing that the tragic cause of her brother's death was a fire incident at his school hostel.

The heartbreaking news quickly resonated with social media users, who expressed their condolences and prayers for the grieving family. One viewer commented, “my family and I shall never be buried prematurely in Jesus mighty name Amen,” reflecting the widespread sympathy and support pouring in for the bereaved family.

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Another commenter wrote, “The remaining month l will not buried my lovely ones and then will not buried me too in Jesus name Amen."

“Continue to rest in the blossom of the Lord Almighty until we meet in the resurrection morning,” read another heartfelt message.