UNIABUJA Announces Closure of University for 2023 Nigerian General Election, Directs Staff & Students to Continue Classes Online
The University of Abuja UNIABUJA has announced the closure of the University for the 2023 Nigerian General Election scheduled for 25th February 2023 for the Presidency

The management of the University of Abuja UNIABUJA has announced the closure of the University for the 2023 Nigerian General Election scheduled for 25th February 2023 for the Presidency, however,UNIABUJA has directed staff and students to take advantage of the electronic technology through virtual learning (Online Classes) to continue their academic work to enable the University bring to closure in record time its second semester academic calendar..myschoolnews reports.
The press release reads;
The National Universities Commission NUC via a circular Ref No NUC/ES/138/Vol. 64/178, dated 3 February, 2023, conveyed the However, staff and students are directive of the Federal Ministry of enjoined to take advantage of the Education (FME that all Universities electronic technology through virtual should be shut down and all learning to continue their academic academic activities be suspended from Wednesday, 22™ February to work to enable the University bring toTuesday, 14* March, 2023.
Accordingly, the Senate of the University of Abuja at its 77 ExtraOrdinary Meeting held on Tuesday, 21" February, 2023 approved the closure of the University as directed by the Ministry. This is to afford students who might have registered at their various homes/states the opportunity to exercise their civic responsibility.
Consequently, students are to vacate their halls of residence effective from Wednesday, 22* February, 2023 as the University will not provide municipal services during the period.
However, staff and students are enjoined to take advantage of the electronic technology through virtual learning to continue their academic work to enable the University bring to closure in record time its second semester academic calendar.
Please note that this directive is only applicable to students, as other activities of the University remain unaffected.
The University wishes staff, students, and the nation a hitch-free elections.